Website Technical Support


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If you are having problems with our website and our booking engine, below is a list of points to help you.


  • Q. What happens if my booking freezes or times out and I cant complete?
    A. You will have to start your booking again, before you do, we recommend you clear the cache on your computer which may be full.

    If you have entered your credit card number, please wait for a response, the transaction is complete when you receive your itinerary via email with ticket numbers. 

    Should you not receive your confirmation email & itinerary with ticket numbers after entering your credit card details, please contact Air Vanuatu  immediately. 
  • Q. What happens if I don't receive my itinerary with a ticket number/s?
    A. You can retrieve your booking via "My Booking" if you have the reference number, if not you will have to contact Air Vanuatu
  • Q. How do I know if my transaction has been successful and my payment has been made?
    A. You will receive an itinerary with ticket numbers after you have entered your credit card.
  • Q. Can I book an unaccompanied minor online
    A. You can only book an unaccompanied minor through an  Air Vanuatu  offices directly, not online.
  • Q.What is the maximum number of people I can book online?
    A. 8 Adults
  • Q. How many people can I check-in online
    A. Up to a group of 10 people 
  • Q. Who do I contact about my online booking if I have a problem not listed
    A. Contact Air Vanuatu